



We will promote high-quality development of comprehensive energy services

2020-07-21 Visits:

The 14th Five-Year Plan period is the first five years of a new journey to comprehensively build a modern socialist country, and it is also a crucial five years in the important historical intersection of the "two centenary years" and shouldering the important mission of building on this trend. Grasping the critical period of the "14th Five-Year Plan", actively responding to risks and challenges, proactively identifying industrial opportunities, and promoting the high-quality development of comprehensive energy services are of great significance to help ensure national energy security and promote the realization of the "double carbon" goal.

Early stage: Challenges and opportunities coexist

From the perspective of challenges, the "triple pressure" of demand contraction, supply shock, and expected weakening and the impact of exceeding expectations continue to superposition, and the comprehensive energy service industry, like other industries, is facing difficulties in market development, investment decisions, high research and development thresholds, and few outstanding talents.

First of all, market development is difficult. The "triple pressure" and unexpected shocks have greatly affected normal production and life, and economic fluctuations, fiscal tightening and other factors have further increased the difficulty of developing the comprehensive energy service market. Second, investment decisions are difficult. The economic situation at home and abroad is changing rapidly, the coordinated operation of cash flow, information flow and material flow is more complicated, the reform of the energy and power system is accelerating, and the difficulty of making investment decisions on integrated energy services has increased significantly. Third, the research and development threshold is high. R&d investment plays an important role in promoting the progress of energy technology, but under the "triple pressure" and exceeding expectations, enterprise R&D investment will continue to be under pressure, and the resistance of technology iteration in the integrated energy service industry will increase. Finally, there are few good people. The sluggish macro environment has made the "iron rice bowl" favored again, and the outstanding talents entering the market-oriented enterprises of comprehensive energy services have decreased, and the vitality of the comprehensive energy services market will be affected to a certain extent.

From the perspective of opportunities, the realization of the "double carbon" target time is tight, the task is heavy, the energy security situation is complex and severe, and the demand of energy consumers for cost reduction, efficiency improvement and carbon reduction is high, and comprehensive energy service providers can provide them with more diversified services and create greater value.

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